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About Me!

aboutme Hello my name is Brandon Dang. Welcome to my BLOG! I’m in the 3rd grade REACH program at School. I live with my Mommie, Daddy, and my sister Alexa. I love to play video games and read books. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, and help Special Needs kids. My favorite color is orange. I love to swim, run, and play basketball. My Daddy is giving me tennis lessons. I hope you enjoy my BLOG, and write me!


  1. Charity beal

    Hi Brandon it’s Charity. This blog is awesome!!!

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Charity! Thanks for commenting and checking it out. I hope you enjoy the Blog and read some of my other posts by clicking on the pictures. See you at school tomorrow!

  2. Alie Rico

    Hey Brandon, fantabulous job with the blog dude! Cant wait for ya to get more stuff up so I can see. Hope to see ya sometime soon!!(:

  3. Charity beal

    Hi Brandon at home chil’n. See u at school

  4. This is a huge blog! I love it! Someday I want a blog like this! Thanks for telling me the website.

  5. How did your dad make this blog? However he did it its amazing!

  6. How do you put your face by your post?

  7. Charity beal

    Brandon can u go to the park??????:)

  8. Charity beal


  9. Hi Brandon! Nice to see you on this late Monday. See you at school!

  10. Cindy

    Brandon, your grammar and punctuation is really good. Your vocabulary is very voluminous. I wonder how you do this :O

  11. Hi Brandon! It is the night after I had a HUGE concert! I had cotton candy and a big pretzel! I wish you were there! It was awesome! See you at school!

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Sophia I wish I could go to one because I have never been to a concert.It sounds like all you ate was junk food.Hope you had fun!See you at school.

  12. Hi Brandon! Can I ask you a question? Thanks. I was going to ask when can we have a play date at my house? If you want to call me!

  13. Charity Beal

    hay Brandon at home chilling. see u at school

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Charity, at home resting. See you tomorrow at school!

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Charity, I wanted to tell you about a website my dad and I made called can order a bracelet we will make it and ship it.Make sure you tell your friends and family. Thanks!

    • brandon dang

      Happy Birthday!!!!! Double didgets!!!!What are you getting for your birthday?You told me you were going to get an electric scooter.Did you?Again happy birthday and see you sometime!!

  14. Hi Brandon. On monday for the first time! I’m so exited! Just chilling at home. See you at school!
    I was wondering if we could plan a play date sometime. Maybe at brooks school park,if you want to call me. If you forgot my phone number I will tell you at school on monday. I hope you have a fantastic short weekend (I have been waiting for monday forever.) See you at school!

  15. It is my first time at swimming lessons! See you at school.

  16. Hi Brandon! If you forgot my moms’ phone number is 340-1388. I hope we can have a play date this weekend! See you at school tomorrow!(tomorrow is a half day, HORAY!)

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Sophia,sorry that I haven’t checked my blog lately.I had a very busy weekend because we had to celebrate my sisters birthday and get her a new toy.Sorry again about that and see you at school tomorrow!(We will try to set up something.)

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Sophia,sorry but we can’t have a play date this weekend because we have plans.we will try to get together on a weekend soon.

  17. Brandon, could we have a play date on the twenty-eight or the twenty-ninth? (Those are on the weekend.) You can tell me if you can or if you can not. P.S. I can not wait to see you on Monday (tomorrow). P.P.S. I love to type. That is why I am typing so much. P.P.P.S. after school Tomorrow I think that I am going to get my one bracket making kit on Monday after school! I just can not wait! Could you wait for something that you really want? I can not! So I just can not wait until Monday after school! I am also just chilling at home with nothing to do. See you at school tomorrow! (Hope you will enjoy your weekend!). Hope we can play, Sophia

  18. Brandon, I wanted to tell you what I want at the movie theater. I wanted to get water, popcorn, M.N.Ms, reeses, and water. By the way I think you should get Kick the buddy. It is awesome! Another thing is that when can I see your poke’mon and maybe even trade with you? ( I just can not wait for the weekend because on the weekend we get to see Cloudy of a Chance of meatballs. I am just so exited! every morning the first thing I think of is going to the movie theater with you on the weekend.) I am now chilling at home texting you right now. See you at school! By the way also every morning all I also think about is going to school and seeing you at school and playing with you. I also can not wait for the colts activity at school tomorrow! See you at school! Sophia

    • Brandon Dang

      Hi Sophie, I wanted to tell you about a website my dad and I made called can order a bracelet we will make it and ship it.Make sure you tell your friends and family. Thanks!

  19. sammy and katherine

    awesome blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! we just checked it out and it is epically epic and awesomely awesome!!!!!

    • Brandon Dang

      Hey guys glad you checked my blog out. I will post more stuff up so you can read about what I do on weekends and holidays.Thanks for commenting and see you Monday! Don’t forget to check out !

  20. I have my account for club penguin but I haven’t played yet. I was too busy with my homework. If I weren’t so busy then I would’ve visited the website. So anyways what’s going on in your house? I’m just chillen, I’m really supposed to be getting ready for bed. Tell me when you get my commet.

  21. Brandon Dang

    Hi Sophia. Glad you could get an account on club penguin.My account name is mike25165.If you want Matthews name tell me.See you tomorrow:).

  22. I would like Mathews account please. By the way I got to check out club penguin today. It is amazing! I will probably be playing on Sunday so you would want to keep a lookout. My name is lollipop2889. Hope I see you!:-D

  23. I am going to play in Avalanche in club penguin.

  24. Antonia

    Hello Brandon. I love the blog. I’ll checkout everything on it. Have a great week at school.

  25. Brandon Dang

    Hello Antonia.Thanks for checking out my blog and I will post new stuff up.See you sometime!!!!:)

  26. When should we have another play date and where will we go? Where do you want to go?

  27. Can we go to chucky cheeses again for our next play date and can we do it this weekend?

  28. Do you think we could have a play date on the weekend? My mom might text your mom.

  29. Sorry I couldn’t play on the weekend, my cousins were here on the weekend so I didn’t have time to play with you. Besides, I was going everywhere and didn’t have time. Mabey next weekend we can play Disney infinity. I am so sorry I couldn’t play. I’ll see you tomorrow (-:

  30. Daniel W

    Hey Brandon,

    You seem like an excellent human being with your dreams of being a doctor for special needs kids! I truly want to wish you a long and happy life because you’re just so fantastic!

    Good luck out there kiddo!


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