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First Day of 3rd Grade!


I woke up and watched TV. When my Dad woke up, I got dressed and turned off the TV. I packed my lunch. My Dad took pictures of me and Lexi. I watched Lexi get o her bus and my Dad took me to Primrose. At Primrose I played with my friends until breakfast. Their breakfasts are awesome! I had a bagel. My friends and I talked until it was time to go to School. I got to School early so I started to unpack my bag and supplies. Mrs. Gibson my teacher helped us. Then after we finished, it was time for gym. We played this game where no one can touch you. After gym, we silently read. Then lunch and recess. I played with my friends Matthew and Sohphia. For lunch I ate a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich. After lunch we did a playdough project. We tried to make our table towers the biggest. Finally it was time to go. I packed up and went to Primrose. It was a great first day!!

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